• Is your business ready for cashless society?

    Consumers across the globe realise that cash and physical wallets are awkward to carry around,…

    Consumers across the globe realise that cash and physical wallets…

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  • Smartphones with the best phone reception in 2023
    Smartphones with the best phone reception in 2023

    Smartphones have become an essential part of our daily life. We can manage almost everything…

    Smartphones have become an essential part of our daily life.…

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  • Ofcom Compliant 5G/4G/2G Mobile Signal Booster
    Ofcom Compliant 5G/4G/2G Mobile Signal Booster

    A mobile signal booster is an excellent solution for poor indoor mobile signal. A quick…

    A mobile signal booster is an excellent solution for poor…

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  • Bringing Mobile Signal Into a Bomb Shelter.
    Bringing Mobile Signal Into a Bomb Shelter.

    Military conflicts around the world, especially the Russia-Ukraine war at EU’s doorstep, were a wake…

    Military conflicts around the world, especially the Russia-Ukraine war at…

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  • Professional Safety Solution from Stella Doradus and Doomap
    Professional Safety Solution from Stella Doradus and Doomap

    Staff safety during working hours is a number one priority for any organisation. Manufacturing facilities,…

    Staff safety during working hours is a number one priority…

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  • Augmented reality powered by 5G
    Augmented reality powered by 5G

    In recent years Augmented Reality (AR) has become an essential part of our online shopping…

    In recent years Augmented Reality (AR) has become an essential…

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  • Why to choose a 6 band repeater instead of a repeater with 3, 4 or 5 frequencies?
    Why to choose a 6 band repeater instead of a repeater with 3, 4 or 5 frequencies?

    Before installing a repeater system, an installer has to choose the right type of repeaters.…

    Before installing a repeater system, an installer has to choose…

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  • How to install internal antennas correctly.
    How to install internal antennas correctly.

    Installation of mobile repeater systems involves a few critical steps, such as installation of outdoor…

    Installation of mobile repeater systems involves a few critical steps,…

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  • 7 motivi per non comprare mai un booster cinese.
    7 motivi per non comprare mai un booster cinese.

    Per ovviare all’assenza di segnale all’interno di abitazioni, piani interrati o più generalmente in zone…

    Per ovviare all’assenza di segnale all’interno di abitazioni, piani interrati…

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  • Dispelling Mobile Phone Myths
    Dispelling Mobile Phone Myths

    Since mobile phones have become a part of everyday life, there have been certain myths…

    Since mobile phones have become a part of everyday life,…

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  • Ripetitori di segnali mobili – Suggerimenti installativi per bilanciare il segnale proveniente da più operatori
    Ripetitori di segnali mobili – Suggerimenti installativi per bilanciare il segnale proveniente da più operatori

    Quando si installa un sistema ripetitore mobile, è importante assicurarsi che il segnale sia “bilanciato”…

    Quando si installa un sistema ripetitore mobile, è importante assicurarsi…

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  • Quale telefono ha la migliore ricezione nel 2022?
    Quale telefono ha la migliore ricezione nel 2022?

    Desideri acquistare un nuovo telefono? Prima di prendere una decisione, è bene assicurarsi che il…

    Desideri acquistare un nuovo telefono? Prima di prendere una decisione,…

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  • Professional Mobile Repeater Installations – Best Service For The Best Price
    Professional Mobile Repeater Installations – Best Service For The Best Price

    Why pay for the best mobile repeater and installation service instead of the cheapest price?…

    Why pay for the best mobile repeater and installation service…

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  • Radiazioni di un ripetitore cellulare | Un ripetitore cellulare emette radiazioni nocive in casa mia?
    Radiazioni di un ripetitore cellulare | Un ripetitore cellulare emette radiazioni nocive in casa mia?

    Le radiazioni emesse da un ripetitore cellulare sono davvero minime! E’ una domanda che viene…

    Le radiazioni emesse da un ripetitore cellulare sono davvero minime!…

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  • Does mobile phone radiation harm you?
    Does mobile phone radiation harm you?

    Since the 1970’s, there have been questions about the risks of using mobile phones and…

    Since the 1970’s, there have been questions about the risks…

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  • Tips on installing mobile signal repeaters for professionals. Cable length?
    Tips on installing mobile signal repeaters for professionals. Cable length?

    How do we find out precisely the maximum length of cable you can install between…

    How do we find out precisely the maximum length of…

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  • HDR Manual Attenuators
    HDR Manual Attenuators

    Stella Doradus’s iRepeater now has a very useful new feature – High Dynamic Range Manual…

    Stella Doradus’s iRepeater now has a very useful new feature…

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  • Voice Protocols – VoWIFI vs VoLTE vs 3G vs GSM
    Voice Protocols – VoWIFI vs VoLTE vs 3G vs GSM

    VoWIFI – Voice over Wi-Fi (WiFi calling).  A voice service that lets users place and…

    VoWIFI – Voice over Wi-Fi (WiFi calling).  A voice service…

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  • Why are pagers still used in hospitals and what is the alternative?
    Why are pagers still used in hospitals and what is the alternative?

    How do pagers work? Pagers, invented in the 1940s, allow you to broadcast one-way communication…

    How do pagers work? Pagers, invented in the 1940s, allow…

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  • The differences between home and professional mobile signal repeaters
    The differences between home and professional mobile signal repeaters

    You’re probably already familiar with the basic functioning of a mobile signal repeater, and the…

    You’re probably already familiar with the basic functioning of a…

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  • How to get mobile signal inside an underground car park?
    How to get mobile signal inside an underground car park?

    Underground car parks completely block mobile signal. This is increasingly becoming an major problem as…

    Underground car parks completely block mobile signal. This is increasingly…

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  • How to boost mobile signal in a shopping centre?
    How to boost mobile signal in a shopping centre?

    Retail is a highly competitive industry, especially with the growing number of online shopping websites.…

    Retail is a highly competitive industry, especially with the growing…

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  • How to amplify a mobile signal in large outdoor areas
    How to amplify a mobile signal in large outdoor areas

    When people talk about mobile signal or coverage problems, then we tend to automatically think…

    When people talk about mobile signal or coverage problems, then…

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  • Types of mobile signal repeaters
    Types of mobile signal repeaters

    The purpose of all mobile signal repeaters is to perform the same basic function they…

    The purpose of all mobile signal repeaters is to perform…

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  • Using mobile repeaters in COVID shelters
    Using mobile repeaters in COVID shelters

    The pandemic caused by the SARS-COV-2 coronavirus, which causes COVID-19 disease, has put our public…

    The pandemic caused by the SARS-COV-2 coronavirus, which causes COVID-19…

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  • Building materials that weaken your mobile signal
    Building materials that weaken your mobile signal

    Not too many of us who, when buying our new home, or making some renovations…

    Not too many of us who, when buying our new…

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  • How to improve your mobile signal to work from home effectively
    How to improve your mobile signal to work from home effectively

    We’re living in difficult times for workers, especially if you have to travel to an…

    We’re living in difficult times for workers, especially if you…

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  • Improving the mobile signal inside a warehouse
    Improving the mobile signal inside a warehouse

    In these times we’re living in, with small commerce seemingly on its last legs, and…

    In these times we’re living in, with small commerce seemingly…

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  • What to do if you need to amplify the mobile signal for a whole village
    What to do if you need to amplify the mobile signal for a whole village

    Little by little, the beautiful villages of rural Spain are gradually becoming more and depopulated…

    Little by little, the beautiful villages of rural Spain are…

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  • Mobile phone signal booster for Ireland
    Mobile phone signal booster for Ireland

    Are mobile signal boosters legal? Only certified mobile signal boosters are legal. The communications regulator…

    Are mobile signal boosters legal? Only certified mobile signal boosters…

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  • Indoor antenna placement – Mobile phone booster installation help
    Indoor antenna placement – Mobile phone booster installation help

    Mobile phone booster installation guide In this article, I will discuss the topic of “antennas”…

    Mobile phone booster installation guide In this article, I will…

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  • Parabolic Dish in the City – Multiple Base Station Issue.
    Parabolic Dish in the City – Multiple Base Station Issue.

    In this article, I will discuss a problem that can arise with repeater installations in…

    In this article, I will discuss a problem that can…

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  • How to best use Network Cell Info Lite
    How to best use Network Cell Info Lite

    Network Cell Info Lite, (NCIL) is an android app that can tell you a lot…

    Network Cell Info Lite, (NCIL) is an android app that…

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  • How to find out exactly which mobile tower your phone is connected to.
    How to find out exactly which mobile tower your phone is connected to.

    For complicated or large repeater installations, it is useful to know precisely which cell tower…

    For complicated or large repeater installations, it is useful to…

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  • Useful Tips when installing mobile signal repeaters.
    Useful Tips when installing mobile signal repeaters.

    Sometimes installing repeater systems can be difficult. The following tips have being built up over…

    Sometimes installing repeater systems can be difficult. The following tips…

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  • Are mobile phone repeaters legal in Ireland?
    Are mobile phone repeaters legal in Ireland?

    About three years ago, mobile phone repeaters that met certain technical requirements were made legal…

    About three years ago, mobile phone repeaters that met certain…

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  • Best way to boost 4G signal in low penetration areas
    Best way to boost 4G signal in low penetration areas

    Penetration of mobile signal, especially data signal 3G and 4G can be weak in buildings…

    Penetration of mobile signal, especially data signal 3G and 4G…

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  • How to boost Vodafone mobile signal in my home.
    How to boost Vodafone mobile signal in my home.

    So, you are having problems with Vodafone signal at home? Fortunately there is an easy…

    So, you are having problems with Vodafone signal at home?…

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  • 3 ways to amplify Orange mobile signal in my home.
    3 ways to amplify Orange mobile signal in my home.

    If you are having problems with Orange mobile signal in your home or office, there…

    If you are having problems with Orange mobile signal in…

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  • Which mobile phone has the best reception 2018
    Which mobile phone has the best reception 2018

    The communications regulator (COMREG) in Ireland has rigorously tested all the mobile phones on the…

    The communications regulator (COMREG) in Ireland has rigorously tested all…

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  • The StellaDoradus i-repeater – A cloud controlled cellular repeater solution for enterprises.
    The StellaDoradus i-repeater – A cloud controlled cellular repeater solution for enterprises.

    After much time in development, we are finally introducing the new i-repeater. So what is…

    After much time in development, we are finally introducing the…

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  • How to reduce your home broadband bills by half
    How to reduce your home broadband bills by half

    Most people are paying two broadband bills (or more) a month! A standard broadband bill…

    Most people are paying two broadband bills (or more) a…

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  • Installation Tips For Mobile Signal Boosters
    Installation Tips For Mobile Signal Boosters

    How to balance the signal from multiple operators When installing a DAS repeater system in…

    How to balance the signal from multiple operators When installing…

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  • How To Boost Mobile Signal For Your Business
    How To Boost Mobile Signal For Your Business

    See how you can boost signal in public spaces such as a shop, hotel, bar,…

    See how you can boost signal in public spaces such…

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  • Boosting mobile signal indoors. Top 3 boosting technologies reviewed.
    Boosting mobile signal indoors. Top 3 boosting technologies reviewed.

    There are 3 choices for boosting mobile signal in your home, large office, factory, shop…

    There are 3 choices for boosting mobile signal in your…

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  • Finding my mobile frequency on my iphone or Android phone (fieldtest mode)
    Finding my mobile frequency on my iphone or Android phone (fieldtest mode)

    Article updated: 18/09/2024 Click here to find your frequency on your Samsung Galaxy Phone Read…

    Article updated: 18/09/2024 Click here to find your frequency on…

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  • How can I boost my mobile signal?
    How can I boost my mobile signal?

    How many times are we forced to go outside to make that phone call or…

    How many times are we forced to go outside to…

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  • New StellaHome 800/900 signal booster | Fast 4G/LTE and GSM for your voice calls, combined.
    New StellaHome 800/900 signal booster | Fast 4G/LTE and GSM for your voice calls, combined.

    StellaHome 800/900, get LTE and GSM at maximum speed! Here at Stelladoradus, we design and…

    StellaHome 800/900, get LTE and GSM at maximum speed! Here…

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  • Modern Buildings Can Cause Phones to Lose Signal
    Modern Buildings Can Cause Phones to Lose Signal

    You may have noticed that your phone loses signal as soon as you enter a…

    You may have noticed that your phone loses signal as…

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  • Why Mobile Operators Want You to Use WiFi Instead of 4G
    Why Mobile Operators Want You to Use WiFi Instead of 4G

    Mobile data speeds have increased significantly since the successful roll out of 4G across the…

    Mobile data speeds have increased significantly since the successful roll…

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  • Eurotunnel Passengers Benefit from 4G Coverage
    Eurotunnel Passengers Benefit from 4G Coverage

    Operators of the Channel Tunnel, Eurotunnel, have announced that 4G coverage is now possible whilst…

    Operators of the Channel Tunnel, Eurotunnel, have announced that 4G…

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  • What You Need to Know About Network Congestion
    What You Need to Know About Network Congestion

    Mobile networks are similar to roads: they help you stay connected to the people and…

    Mobile networks are similar to roads: they help you stay…

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  • Can Buildings Cause Poor Signal?
    Can Buildings Cause Poor Signal?

    It is frequency found in large cities that even if the operator’s mast is right…

    It is frequency found in large cities that even if…

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  • Why Good Network Coverage is Essential for Business Users
    Why Good Network Coverage is Essential for Business Users

    The world of business has been transformed from what it was a decade ago, with…

    The world of business has been transformed from what it…

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  • LTE Direct: A Revolutionary New Technology
    LTE Direct: A Revolutionary New Technology

    You could be forgiven for thinking that not very much has changed within the world…

    You could be forgiven for thinking that not very much…

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  • Why Femtocell Signal Boosters Are Not Viable Long Term Solutions
    Why Femtocell Signal Boosters Are Not Viable Long Term Solutions

    Over the past 2 years, mobile operators have finally accepted that, for some, the quality…

    Over the past 2 years, mobile operators have finally accepted…

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  • Investigation: Why Can’t I Connect to a Mobile Network?
    Investigation: Why Can’t I Connect to a Mobile Network?

    It’s happened to all of us: the time when you need signal the most is…

    It’s happened to all of us: the time when you…

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  • Finding my frequency on my Samsung phone
    Finding my frequency on my Samsung phone

    This article explains the easiest steps you can take to see which on frequency your…

    This article explains the easiest steps you can take to…

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  • Why is it Important to Have Reliable Network Coverage?
    Why is it Important to Have Reliable Network Coverage?

    In the modern day and age, our social and business lives are centred around mobile…

    In the modern day and age, our social and business…

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  • Boosting mobile signal into offices and large buildings
    Boosting mobile signal into offices and large buildings

    One of the main issues that affects cellular coverage in large buildings is the building…

    One of the main issues that affects cellular coverage in…

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  • Why is my mobile signal so bad?
    Why is my mobile signal so bad?

    Hopefully you’re lucky enough to live in a city with state-of-the-art 4G, with limited interruptions…

    Hopefully you’re lucky enough to live in a city with…

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  • How to install a mobile phone repeater?
    How to install a mobile phone repeater?

    Having a poor reception on your mobile phone can be at least a little annoying,…

    Having a poor reception on your mobile phone can be…

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  • Unlimited data plan with Three and a mobile signal repeater
    Unlimited data plan with Three and a mobile signal repeater

    Ok , I’m here to talk about what can be achieved with Three,  the mobile operator, a MIFI…

    Ok , I’m here to talk about what can be…

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  • 5 Common things that can affect your indoor mobile phone signal
    5 Common things that can affect your indoor mobile phone signal

    Having trouble with your indoor mobile phone signal? We’ve put together five things that could…

    Having trouble with your indoor mobile phone signal? We’ve put…

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  • Solutions to poor mobile phone signals in remote locations
    Solutions to poor mobile phone signals in remote locations

    Poor mobile phone signals are synonymous with remote locations. Dropped calls and poor mobile reception…

    Poor mobile phone signals are synonymous with remote locations. Dropped…

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  • 2G, 3G and 4G explained.
    2G, 3G and 4G explained.

    All these standards get a bit confusing. What do they all mean? In this article,…

    All these standards get a bit confusing. What do they…

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  • Can my neighbour use my mobile phone repeater?
    Can my neighbour use my mobile phone repeater?

    If I have a mobile phone repeater installed in my house, can my neighbour use my mobile…

    If I have a mobile phone repeater installed in my house,…

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  • How can I boost mobile signal in my house
    How can I boost mobile signal in my house

    1) Boost mobile signal for the home with internal coverage 1000m2 By far the easiest and…

    1) Boost mobile signal for the home with internal coverage 1000m2…

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  • Poor mobile phone coverage in a shopping center and a solution.
    Poor mobile phone coverage in a shopping center and a solution.

    Why is there often poor mobile phone coverage in your shopping centre? Have you noticed poor mobile…

    Why is there often poor mobile phone coverage in your shopping centre?…

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  • A History of Mobile Phones
    A History of Mobile Phones

      1973 The history of mobile phones starts on the 3rd of April 1973, a…

      1973 The history of mobile phones starts on the…

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  • How to boost mobile coverage on your boat
    How to boost mobile coverage on your boat

     Poor mobile phone coverage is a very common problem in large ships. There are two…

     Poor mobile phone coverage is a very common problem in…

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  • Install a mobile phone repeater in a hospital to improve mobile coverage.
    Install a mobile phone repeater in a hospital to improve mobile coverage.

    How can  we improve mobile coverage in the hospital? Click here to see the StellaOffice repeater which…

    How can  we improve mobile coverage in the hospital? Click…

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  • How a mobile phone signal repeater will help your business
    How a mobile phone signal repeater will help your business

    How a mobile phone signal repeater keeps your customers connected all the time. Everyone in business…

    How a mobile phone signal repeater keeps your customers connected all…

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  • Three Reasons why I get dropped calls in my car?
    Three Reasons why I get dropped calls in my car?

    So you getting dropped calls in your car.. People often wonder why they experience so…

    So you getting dropped calls in your car.. People often…

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  • mobile coverage maps in my area | Check before you buy
    mobile coverage maps in my area | Check before you buy

    Always check the mobile coverage maps in your area before you decide which mobile operator…

    Always check the mobile coverage maps in your area before…

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  • How antennas work | Parabolic Laser vs Omni-directional antenna
    How antennas work | Parabolic Laser vs Omni-directional antenna

    People often think that by installing an omni antenna in a city they will provide…

    People often think that by installing an omni antenna in…

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  • Improve your Vodafone Mobile Signal at Home
    Improve your Vodafone Mobile Signal at Home

    How to improve your Vodafone mobile signal: If you want to improve your Vodafone signal…

    How to improve your Vodafone mobile signal: If you want…

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  • Cellular Signal Boosters – How they Work.
    Cellular Signal Boosters – How they Work.

    Cellular Signal Boosters solve the problem of poor mobile phone coverage in the home or…

    Cellular Signal Boosters solve the problem of poor mobile phone…

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  • New Website – 12/11/2012

    Dear Clients, We’re working hard here at Stella Doradus updating an optimizing our new website.…

    Dear Clients, We’re working hard here at Stella Doradus updating…

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  • Indoor Coverage Problems and Solutions
    Indoor Coverage Problems and Solutions

    The licences held by mobile phone operators are often require them to achieve a percentage…

    The licences held by mobile phone operators are often require…

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  • Car phone signal booster.
    Car phone signal booster.

    So, right now, I have a phone cradle that is inserted into the 12 volt…

    So, right now, I have a phone cradle that is…

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